Labour Day Message 2021
1st May 2021
Dear Fellow Singaporeans,
As we honour our workers on this Labour Day, our thoughts and prayers go first and foremost to our frontline workers. We would like to express our heartfelt gratitude for the sacrifices made by these people.
Not forgetting our non-essential and self-employed workers, many of whom would be struggling to earn a steady income despite the relaxation of lock down measures.
During the breakout of the pandemic last year, there were panic, fear and uncertainty amongst the public. Today, the COIVD-19 situation is much clearer and the virus in Singapore is much contained.
There are still tough times ahead. The fight is not over as we can see in the recent TTSH, ICA, and Westlite dormitories reinfection cases. The need to continue to wear mask and keep safe distancing practices till the virus variants is under control internationally must go on.
Restarting the economy is the primary concern of the government but great care has to be taken still to ensure the many virus variants do not get slipped into Singapore.
We also thank DPM & Finance Minister Heng Swee Keat for opening the Government’s huge reserves last year to help our ailing businesses and Singaporean families tide over this extreme difficulties.
On this Labour Day, SPP and party members would also like to recognise the contributions of all Singaporeans and residents in working together to keep Singapore safe, with each doing your own part — whether in wearing a mask, good hygiene practice, scanning in and out, safe distancing or working at the frontline protecting our various institutions.
We would also like to pay tribute to the casualties in Singapore and other countries who lost their citizens due to this global pandemic. Our thoughts are with them.
Lastly, Singapore People’s Party wishes all workers a restful and safe Labour Day.
Stay safe. Get vaccinated.
Singapore People’s Party