be the reason for singapore’s success

One of the key roles of the Opposition is to act as a check and balance on the policies of the Government, by speaking up for Singaporeans. We believe in the need for an honest, constructive and harmonious approach to politics. Thus, being a loyal opposition for Singapore and Singaporeans is a key value that SPP has always stood by.

Make A Difference

To join us as a volunteer or member, please fill up this form.

Why Join SPP?

Singapore People’s Party listens to the people, their opinions and their concerns.

We stand with the people so that the policies by the Government will balance out and be beneficial for us a well. And when you join us, your voice will be heard. You can vote for leaders you want to represent you and the party. You can meet like-minded people and have the chance to shape our country.


Below are some of the things we are able to do together:

Be part of our campaign

Our campaign gather those of the same mindset to push for the same goal. Surround yourself with your fellow people and join us!

Help us win the election

We require the power and support that comes from the people to make a stand on what we feel is right for the people.

Influence party policy

Your opinions matter. If you feel that a change is necessary for our party, let us know so we can share the same perspective on it.

Vote for party leadership

Leaders change with time. And choosing the right leader is a major thing for the future of the party.

Connect with us today